#the island of mezaai
doodlings-of-a-dragon · 4 months
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Decided to do a redraw of an old art of this evil girlie. I'm very pleased as to how it came out, gives me some confidence that I really am growing as an artist.
Image comparison below the cut!
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This is just so wild to me
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spaceyyyz · 2 months
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Here's a sketch of my Island of Mezaai oc, Calcifur!! I have been playing a ton of roblox animal rp games and making ocs out of the designs I make
(If anyone has recommendations for more roblox animal roleplay games I could try, pls tell me, I wanna play them all)
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holistically-horrific · 5 months
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another day another dog
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dizzified · 5 months
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Umumummumu when when when the when
My favorite guy ever that ever has ever, Synth, a goofy chaos-infected Born Darkone with a sonic boom for a voice.
Oh, and he also has the power of onomatopoeia, basically manifesting words into physical effects, of which he once demonstrated by accidentally electrocuting himself by firing an electric shot into a body of water.
Not smart but he's trying, atleast give him that.
Making everyone around him and himself go deaf, bro is so hard of hearing.
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jester-pip · 7 months
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lmiranal · 8 months
×]Моя импульсивность в создании персонажей ярче всего проявилась, пожалуй, в Роблоксовском режиме The Island of Mezaai. Целых 5 персов, и ни у кого из них нет имени, а вместо истории - кучка несвязных отрывков. Но это не помешает мне хотя-бы показать их внешность
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×]Это сестра и брат, оба - воины стаи Каликс. И, кажется, этот жёлтый цветок немного выделяется из их общей палитры. А это потому, что изначально он принадлежал другой волчице, лекарю из стаи Силвум и по совместительству единственному лекарю на все три стаи (это уже официальный лор игры, кстати). Как можно догадаться, юный воин полюбил её, но его сердце было разбито после того, как стая Эремис напала на лагерь Силвума, что было просто неприемлемо. Мало того, что они не договорились о месте и времени проведения битвы, так они ещё и убили единственного лекаря! Что стало причиной такой жестокости? Это Каликсу ещё предстоит узнать
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×]Этот обвешанный золотом волк был одним из тех, кто возглавлял ту атаку. Главому герою этой истории ещё предстоит встретиться с ним, когда их с сестрой отправят в пустынные владения Эремиса в качестве разведчиков. Однако на сцену внезапно врывается...
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×]...пират! Что он тут забыл? На самом деле ничего, просто приплыл на торговую точку Эремиса, но мне захотелось как-то вплести его в историю, так что он поможет главному герою оставить всё позади и уплыть в закат. Остров погряз в войне, смысла которой он так и не понял. Их с сестрой цель прибытия была раскрыта, и они уже вряд-ли смогут выбраться из пустыни самостоятельно. Хотя, возможно, теперь вернее будет говорить о них в единственном числе? Да бедолага просто окружён трагедиями. Почему бы тогда не принять предложение какого-то безумца с саблей и не уплыть как можно дальше от всего этого?
×]Как-то так история и заканчивается. Дату её создания я уже не вспомню, но это было довольно давно. Любителям ролевых советую глянуть этот режим, там довольно интересный лор, и онлайн, вроде, приемлемый. Ну, если вас не пугает английский, конечно же. А так, на этом я прощаюсь. До когда-нибудь/
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meow-what-is-life · 8 months
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Here’s my Island of Mezaai OCs!
I don’t have any names for a lot of them, the Calyxe Wolf was named Mystic/Mythic in one of my games though
I plan on making more of them since they’re very funny to me !
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skeletondremmer · 1 year
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some art after awhile WITH VERY LAZY BACKGROUNDS!! honestly i like how it looks with the desert lineless background its like a post card or whatever you would wanna call it to be honest
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Names: Nightshade, Clown, Icicle. I am gender-fluid and bisexual (maybe asexual.)
Other blogs:
Twomp blog: @a-fan-of-twomp
Reblog things other than fandom: @that-one-shy-artist
I might make more blogs in the future. I’ll most likely make one for Alagadda.
Fandoms I have or are in:
Twomp (The world of Mr. Plant)
Doctor Nowhere
Vintage Eight
TIOM (The Island of Mezaai) (It’s on Roblox)
Deltarune and Undertale
SCP (pacifically Alagadda)
Spooky Month
Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss
WoF (Wings of Fire)
Super Paper Mario
TSP (The Stanley Parable)
Gravity Falls
TOH (The Owl House)
FPE (Fundamental Paper Education)
Ihnmaims (I have no mouth and I must scream)
Electric Dreams
I don’t like talking about politics or anything that is connected to it.
Proshippers can leave also any haters of basically anything. If you have constructive criticism you can share.
I do take art commissions but only for OCs and most ships. I will not do any nsfw art.
I still enjoy BillFord but KryptBill has a special place in my heart. Made by @the-tiniest-demigod ⬇️
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This is made by @4rtificialangel btw :3 ⬇️
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srhe203 · 5 months
Mezaai needs another programmer and uts making me scream and cry because I cant help. I would do anything for you Island of Mezaai
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dransnakearts · 2 years
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[Image description: A fully shaded digital artwork of a fluffy black and red wolf breathing fire. It has an intense creepy-happy look on its face; its pupils are small and shaking and its grin is too wide and full of sharp teeth. It's mostly black, but it has a lot of red stripey markings and a red head fluff, along with red eyes. It's wearing a few accessories, being earring studs on one ear, a nose ring, and a shackle collar with a couple of chains on it. Hanging off of the shackle's chains is a large metal symbol that is vaguely pointy snowflake shaped. /End description.]
hi this is Crackle (she/it) and she's a Bloodfang Darkone from The Island of Mezaai. It will probably maul you and steal your soul if given the chance
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embrace-the-sibling · 2 years
Official Embrace the Sibling return time!
I hesitate giving an actual return date, because heck if I know what timing is. But! Finals month is coming up for me soon (all of April whoops), which means theoretically I can get back to posting sometime mid-May!
I can't guarantee I'll have the quick turnaround times I had when I first started this blog, because I do have other projects. Mainly 3D modeling for The Island of Mezaai (which is a game on Roblox), but I'm doing some other ventures on my own.
Thank you all for your patience! Especially the anons who keep telling me to practice self care.
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holistically-horrific · 6 months
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TIOM art dump part 2/?
you will behold more of my children and you will like it
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dizzified · 5 months
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GUGAJUUE CULTIST EVER, MY BOY, MY SILLY, MY GLITCHING THROUGH WALLS GLASSWARE SELLER EVER, RAEF/REVEL Never has the phrase, "You want to buy some glassware?" been so weaponized.
Actually yapper to death and after.
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meow-what-is-life · 8 months
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Hi, here’s some more details about my Island of Mezaai OC’s (that finally have names)!! From left to right:
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Talon is an Eremis Pack member (She/her)
-Talon is a watchful wolf, who’s almost the mom friend of the group— however Mythic is so mature that she gets kind of outweighed by him. Talon loves control and peace, which is bad news because of the ongoing rivalry (and almost outright war) with the Silvum pack (of which Sylve is a part of…)
-Talon works as a regular Eremis Pack hunter
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Sylve is a Silvum Pack member (They/them)
-Sylve is a relaxed wolf, who’s not got a lot going on in their head when all’s peaceful. The conflict with the Eremis pack has Sylve divided, too. Though Sylve strives to keep the friend group alive no matter what.
-Sylve works as the lead hunter for the Silvum Pack
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Mystic Is a Calyxe pack member (Any Pronouns)
-Mystic is a quiet wolf, who is secretive about the work they do. They don’t exactly know much about the Silvum/Eremis conflict due to the Calyxe pack being different from the other packs. Sylve and Talon make them happy when they get a break from their work.
-Mystic works as a council member for the Calyxe pack, whether they are the next Regent is not known yet
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dizzified · 5 months
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